Clear desk & office space regularly so your cleaner can thoroughly clean behind / under everything.
Consider moving to one side & then shift to the other side for the following clean.
Remove rubbish regularly & vacuum regularly where people eat.
Sanitise phones, door handles, registers & toilet areas regularly.
Toilets must be cleaned thoroughly, these areas are the main culprits of spreading bacteria & viruses amongst your staff & clients.
Vacuum carpets regularly to remove dry soils.
Empty vacuum bags regularly to ensure maximum efficiency.
Reducing your vacuuming frequency is a sure way to destroy your carpets and risk the health of your staff.
Good quality mats are essential at all entrances to help remove sand / mud from shoes.
These need to be commercially cleaned regularly.
Deep clean your carpets regularly – frequency is dependent on premises traffic.
It is best to have your carpets cleaned before they “look” dirty.
Regular care of your carpets goes a long way to prolong the life & appearance of your premises.
Use liquid soap (as opposed to a soap bar) in restrooms, this helps to keep your basins looking cleaner for longer.
Sanitary products can be installed to satisfy health requirements of restrooms.
Create a schedule / calendar for your cleaning needs, to ensure cleaning occurs periodically as needed.
Eg / windows, carpets, tiles & grout, restrooms, vinyl flooring etc. Even consider pre-booking in advance.
In the case of emergency spills: mop up with paper towel & call in a professional to asses both surface & stain before trying to clean yourself with unknown chemicals.
Office chairs work dirt & sand into carpet fibres, damaging them often beyond repair.
They will also scratch & deteriorate your hard floors.
Utilise heavy duty plastic mats under office chairs & desks.
Applying a sealer to your vinyl flooring every 12 months will help prolong the need for expensive replacement (sealer acts as a sacrificial coating).